LEPC 2.0
Deliverable name: Enhance the LMI distribution tool: www.workinginpeelhalton.com by introducing occupational profiles and creating & sharing best practice videos featuring industry experts.
Overview: Workinginpeelhalton.com is a unique service that has implemented the key principles of a high-quality LMI dissemination tool: it focuses on local LMI; it is timely, and it is mediated by experts. That is, LMI is often considered “coded knowledge”, and this knowledge needs to be mediated to become useful to job seekers. This is especially true of disadvantaged groups (immigrants, people out of the workforce for a long time, youth, etc.) who are not in the job market and lose access to information about jobs, trends, opportunities, support, etc. In a meeting with service providers, almost 50% of polled employer participants stated that they are interested to receive sector-specific LMI (i.e.– retail, IT, etc.) was of most value to them to make business decisions. The aim is to grow the content by interviewing and recording experts in their field (employers, recruiters, job search expert, etc.) to share information relevant to job seekers and service providers in Peel Halton, as well as enhance content by developing and sharing occupational profiles relevant to the Peel Halton market.
Click here to view the Occupational Profiles
Deliverable name: Update the Peel-Halton Workforce Characteristics Report using the 2016 Canadian census data.
Overview: LEPC Phase I had researched and put together the Peel-Halton Workforce Characteristics Report which represents a clear picture of Peel Halton demographics and industry and occupational trends. This report was based on 2011 census data. The purpose of this Workforce Characteristics Report is to inform the Peel and Halton communities about the labour market. This data and its analysis may evoke reflection on ways to better align the capabilities of the workforce with employers who are presently located in Peel or Halton as well as potential employers who may be joining the Peel or Halton communities in the near future. The Economic Development Offices would use this report to advise & attract employers about the available local workforce; average wages; education levels and key industries in each municipality. The employers, service providers, educators would benefit from the report as they would get information about growth/shrinkage in industries and occupations. In terms of methods, the National Household Survey will essentially serve as a prime source for data, because it allows for considerable cross-tabulation at a smaller geographic scale.
Deliverable name: Develop the 2016 Peel Halton Employer Survey report on employer hiring practices; challenges; HR issues & industry trends.
Overview: The Employer Survey, administered by the Peel Halton Workforce Development Group, has been conducted for the past six years; and each year, the employers’ participation rate keeps growing. The survey helps employment service providers by identifying trends and practices among employers to assist service providers in their programming. The report also provides information to inform proposal writing on the part of these agencies. We know through feedback from employment services that this survey has helped them to identify service needs and different practices on the part of various industries when it comes to hiring job candidates. Employment Services & job seekers will have a better understanding of employer hiring needs and expectations including intelligence for job seekers around high demand occupations.
Deliverable name: Develop and facilitate employer webinars for small to medium size businesses.
Overview: Well-trained employees (and managers/owners) are key to small business success. Studies have shown that the most successful, productive employees are those who have received extensive training. Local Small Business Centres have workshops to assist with the start-up phase, but few programs exist to support existing small/medium businesses to grow their business. Focusing webinars on growth and sustainability issues would increase the contribution of these programs to businesses’ productivity and growth. The LEPC will consult with its existing roster of employers and other stakeholders to determine webinar topics. The webinars will introduce resources to SME’s that will improve productivity and efficiency, therefore, allowing owners/management to focus on the growth of the business that will lead to retention and increase of their workforce.
Deliverable name: The identification of gaps, duplications and potential collaborations/partnerships through service provider training. The development of actions to address the gaps and duplications.
Overview: During the LEPC pilot project, a systems map was developed to increase service providers’ awareness of employment/training programs and to better understand the gaps and duplications in service. But in order for this systems map to be fully functional, two more steps must be taken. First, an in-depth analysis of the data is required by layering the map with census data; layering on geohub data, and analyzing this new information. This will result in gaining a unique perspective on the needs of the community using quantitative data. Second, EO and non-EO service providers, by providing training to effectively use the systems map, will be able to better plan, refer and create supports to the employment sector. Without this analysis and training, the systems map becomes a document that can only be used by few, rather than the entire employment community.
Deliverable name: Enhance the provision of streamlined and simplified access to employment and training services for employers through the Talent Hub process to increase the number of employers accessing services with ease
Overview: In the first phase of the LEPC project, the early stage of a Talent Hub was created with the objective of providing a seamless, no-wrong-door collaborative and coordinated approach to simplified service access. The process connects employers, industry associations to local employment and training service providers, as a “one-stop-shop”, based on the specific needs of the former employer/industry groups. At the center of the hub is the employer who is referred by LEPC with the relevant service provider based on her/his needs. The hub acts as a key source of employer referrals into the employment and training service provider system. The Talent Hub process has been developed in close consultation with service providers and input from the employers, in a way that would satisfy the needs of employers while leveraging the collective expertise of service providers. An online portal has been developed to operationalize the Talent Hub process of service coordination. The Talent Hub is only in its infancy in terms of scope, volume, and efficiencies. The continuation of the hub is to implement the changes and feedback provided by employers and EO service providers maximizing the benefits to employers, service providers, and job seekers. It allows more time to increase the number of employer referrals to EO service providers and the number of open job opportunities for potential job matches and placements, all of which will lead to an increased number of employed job seekers on one hand and satisfied employers on the other.
Deliverable name: Why invest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)? A study of current and emerging supply and demand for intellectual capital in Peel and Halton Regions
Overview: Knowledge economy refers to the economy that is shaped based on knowledge-intensive activities and reliance on intellectual capabilities. Canada is developing its knowledge-based economy which will lead the country to sustainable prosperity. In an effort to reach this goal and create a knowledge-driven economy, universities are encouraged to invest in STEM programs. The two universities namely (Ryerson University in collaboration with Sheridan College & Wilfred Laurier University in collaboration with Conestoga College) that are planning to open a campus in Peel and Halton are also planning to offer programs related to STEM. The purpose of this research is to investigate the current and emerging needs for intellectual talent in the local labour market. Additionally, the report aims to investigate the educational programs that are highly demanded by local employers. The results of this investigation will enable educational institutions (i.e., the supply side of the labour market) to offer appropriate programs to meet the current and future needs of employers.
Deliverable name: Design and implement a project that will assist manufacturing employers to secure entry-level workers
Overview: During the LEPC project, interviews were held with 25 manufacturing employers as well as 12 key informants (such as economic development officers), followed by a survey of local manufacturing employers, which produced an average of 171 responses per question. Survey respondents reacted favorably to the suggestion of better screening and employment preparation of job candidates, and of better linkages with local educational partners. This activity addresses the challenges that manufacturers are facing to a source, recruit and employ (for the long-run) suitable candidate for their sector. This activity also creates opportunities for job seekers looking for work in manufacturing (or are open to the idea of working in this sector) but who may need to be targeted pre-employment preparation.
Deliverable name: Uncovering the cost of unemployment for youth and adults in Peel and Halton regions
Overview: The unemployment rate is one of the key indicators of labour market performance with strong ties to the well-being and progress of a community. In 2016, the unemployment rate in Peel region was 7.3% and in Halton region was 5.5%. The unemployment rate for youth was more than twice the average provincial unemployment rate. The high unemployment rate, especially in youth has imposed an economic and social cost to Peel and Halton communities. The cost of unemployment has always been overlooked and has rarely been quantified. This proposed research project will study and monetize the social and economic impacts & costs of unemployment for youth and adults. Furthermore, this research will provide an analysis of the policies that support the employment sector to determine the programs/interventions needed to reduce unemployment across both regions.
Deliverable name: Develop a report documenting best practices for a referral protocol/common intake processes between EO and non-EO services.
Overview: This deliverable was initiated to bring EO and non-EO service providers together to discuss and develop a more seamless (proactive, not fragmented, cohesive, easy to navigate etc.) service system for jobseekers and increased efficiency for both employers, job seekers, and service providers. Consultations with the LEPC Central Planning Table identified a need to gain a more accurate understanding of how the service providers can work collectively towards improving employment across both regions. There is a gap in a coordinated approach to providing services for employers and residents. Using a pilot, a handful of service providers will work towards understanding the factors, data, service coordination and integrated planning necessary to think about how to achieve system success.